So instead of yet another entry detailing my frustration, here's a collection of random thoughts I've collected while attempting to make things work.
- Across everything I've been looking at lately, I have at least four plots-in-progress that deal with gods as a significant part of the plot. I have at least two, probably more buried somewhere, that take place at a college. Yet I do not have anything that deals with gods at college.
- Prehensile hair is going to be really hard to write.
- In regards to the story wherein I swapped two characters' genders: the main cast (and, literally, the crew) of this thing includes two people dating within their gender but outside their species, one asexual, two characters whose sexuality I haven't bothered to define because it's not important to the story, and one character who has a gender identity but considers sexuality something only fleshy beings have to deal with. And then there's the side character who needed a whole new set of pronouns. Yes, I'm looking forward to writing this.
- I get the weirdest ideas when I work out. Some are useful. Others are more like "I should have this otherworldly being quote Ozzy Osbourne lyrics."
- It's weird to think how long I've been working on some of this stuff, or how far back it goes. Some of these stories are the results of me refusing to give up on an idea, no matter how many times it didn't work out. My second-latest idea started as me wanting to tell a story with a character I came up with in 1998.
- I'm still trying to figure out what the opposite of time is.
- My latest idea might or might not work out depending on if I can make a story's Act 1 feel like Act 3 of a much larger tale. Of course, by the time I develop it enough to become a real story, it'll probably be something completely different.
- I still have to stop myself from giving someone The Power of Rock. Being able to solve everything with a song is a problem, it would never work well enough in print, and the copyright issues would be a nightmare. But it's so damn fun to visualize.
- Too often, I write up two to three pages' worth of notes for a new story, get really excited, and then never feel like looking at the thing again. It's really frustrating, because I can't help thinking, how many good ideas am I just shrugging off?
- I now have an idea for something involving gods at college.
That's enough for now. Next week: IWSG, wherein I hope I'll be able to write something encouraging and not just go on about how much of a hard time I'm having of things. And now, back to work.